Thursday, February 28, 2013


System study
 Plant study: aiming to survey the site, understanding the local mussel species and estimate
the benefits what Nautilus® program may bring.
 Growth Monitoring Panel® study: by lowering panels near the water suction line to
determine the ecological family, life cycle of sea shells and mussels cause fouling in order to
tailoring the action plan and determine the injection regime.
 Placing Growth Monitoring Panel both inlet and outlet streams. The difference in
appearance of the two set of panels will show the effectiveness of the treatment and the seasonal
growth of macrofouling during the year.
 Nautilus Chlorophyll Probe® to measure chlorophyll concentration, conductivity,
temperature, pH and density in order to understand if the plant circumstances are suitable for
mussels for their settling.
 Nautilus® phytoplankton filtration, mussel larvae counts to show the presence of shell
growing macro fouling trend during the entire year.
Treatment program
 A fitting treatment program is ideal to apply once the seasonal behaviour is understood.
When the algae bloom (mussel food bloom) comes, the mussel larvae will quickly start to
proliferate and attach itself to equipment surface. Once attached it develops shells within weeks it
is therefore important to start dosing CH 7562 at the algae bloom when the larvae counts start to
increase. When larvae numbers are back down injection can be stopped.
Environmental impact
 The minimisation of environmental impact comes with the understanding of the seasonality
of macro fouling which determines the frequency of injection and the use of the right ecocompatible
product like CH 7562. Simply ‖Dose only when you need in a quantity what your
system require.‖ Ambient impact reduction by shock dosages, at vital period of macrofouling
growth with the effective, rapid reacting, environmental friendly oxidizing organic acid